THE GREAT GREEN WASHING MACHINE PART 2: The Use And Misuse of Sustainability Metrics In Fashion

Sri Lanka 2022

Please note - A number of rumors have been circulated claiming that this report was funded by ‘Wool’ and somehow reflects ‘Wool’s’ interests in a concealed and nefarious manner.

In reality, I wrote the report pro-bono.

Eco Age paid for the publication but my work was not funded by anyone.

Part 2 of the Great Green Washing Machine is now available online.

This second white paper demonstrates that even the environmental impact of fashion is not being correctly assessed, neither broadly, nor narrowly.

Current assessments are broadly incorrect for two reasons. Firstly, because measurement is cradle to gate rather than cradle to grave so the harmful outcomes in some garments’ use and disposal are ignored. And secondly, because impacts are calculated per kilo, when what really matters – what is key – is impact per wear. Moreover, even the narrow definition of environmental impact alone, is not currently correctly assessed as the data needed to make accurate comparative impact assertions simply does not exist.


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